Friday, March 11, 2011

Watching Movies with My Mother

Movie watching has always been the number one form of entertainment in our family. It's also our number one excuse for procrastination, but that's not important. Some of my oldest memories are of watching movies with my sisters and nieces. Our favorites included Shag, Adventures in Babysitting and Howard the Duck. They also introduced me to Pet Cemetery, Candy Man and Interview with the Vampire.

They didn't know they were sharing those last three with me at the time. Older siblings like to try out their parenting skills on us younger kids. Mine were no exception. They especially enjoyed kicking me out of the TV room when they were going to watch a 'big girl' movie. Jerks.

My mom was cool about it, though. Once she caught me hiding behind other sister's chair so I could watch Scream with them. Luckily, mom didn't rat me out. She even took me to the theaters to see Scream 3 when I was fourteen and it was rated R.

But over the years, my mother's hipness has diminished. Now that I am an adult, she is no longer cool with me watching adult content be it violence, language or nudity. If we watch something she finds distasteful I have to hear about it for weeks. If someone says damn on prime time TV, I'm asked to change the channel. (Sorry I said damn, mom.)

Also there's a bit of a ick factor when watching certain things with one or more of your parents. Once I suggested we watch Wanted because I forgot that it has a crazy forever long sex on the kitchen counter scene. It was horrible.

The worst part was that I had seen Wanted before, so the whole time I'm thinking, you idiot. Do you want your mother to think you're a degenerate? Why, for the love of God, didn't you pick Cheaper by the Dozen!?

Because I never, ever, want to experience that awkwardness again, I now keep a running list of mom-friendly movies in my head so that next time I'm ready when she asks what I want to watch.

So here it is, a mother approved list of movies.

Totally Safe, (Mom Loves Them)

Legendary - Drama
First Daughter - Drama
Enchanted - Romantic Comedy
The Blind Side - Drama
Remember the Titans - Drama
Charlie St. Cloud - Drama
New In Town - Romantic Comedy
Mad Money - Comedy
First Wives Club - Comedy
Devil - Horror
Confessions of a Shopoholic - Comedy

A bit more risque (basically they use the f word once or twice, but she still liked them)

Armored - Action
Bride Wars - Comedy
The Uninvited - Horror
Edge of Darkeness - Thriller
Monster-In-Law - Comedy
Taken - Thriller/Action
The Bucket List - Drama
Unstoppable - Action
Nights in Rodanthe - Drama/Romance
Under the Tuscan Sun - Drama/Romance

Mom doesn't like to watch the same things over and over, so feel free to give me some of your own suggestions.