Monday, March 7, 2011

The Forsaken

Every time I walk past this movie at the buster I say I'm going to rent it. Now I can't. Some jerk stole it last week. 

Fortunately for me, we just got a new tv channel dedicated to all things horror (love this!) They played TF over the weekend. I had the DVR ready because I have loved Kerr Smith ever since Dawson's Creek (hey, I'm a Williamson fan!)

It took me a second to get into the movie, but I ended up really liking it. 

TF is your average vampire flick minus the ultra-complicated vamp mythology. It's about an average guy who runs into a group of vampires on a road trip and gets involved in their crazy vampire war. 

Another plus is that it doesn't go over the top with the gore. You can actually eat and watch this one. I wouldn't recommend that with something like Daybreakers.
On a final note, I have found my new favorite evil vampire. Johnathon Schaech's portrayal of Kit, the baddie, was both terrifying and intriguing.

If you  Liked: 
DayBreakers, The Lost Boys, Joy Ride