Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love Happens

 The Story: Burke is a motivational speaker on grief, whose wife died three years ago. His life isn't as together as it seems. He's a closet drinker, afraid of elevators, has child-like mood swings and is very much alone. Until he bumps into a woman arranging flowers in a hotel hallway and attempts to come out of his shell.

Love Happens, there is only 1 reason  why I saw this, Judy Greer. I love her! Whether she is playing a dumb blonde or a killer werewolf, she is marvelous!!!

Judy is not the star, but I ended up really liking this movie.  It's not your typical cheesy "girl" movie and it has a great cast.

For some reason critics have been very cruel to this movie. I think that's because it's not your typical romance movie. It doesn't have that "appropriate sparks are flying, someone que the power balled" moment (can you name the  movie I just quoted?) 

We see only the beginning of the romance that Burke and Eloise could have. What this movie is really about is a man's journey to re-start his life. And that my friends, makes me cry like a baby every time I watch this movie.

If you liked: Return to Me, Elizabethtown