Friday, April 15, 2011

Daydream Believers

... daydream believer and a homecoming queen...

Just had to get that out.

I got caught daydreaming at work today. It wasn't pretty. I was deep into one of those stares where I'm obviously not looking at anything in particular. But, this poor soul pretended like I was watching one of the TV' s in the back of the store. She kindly waited for the next preview to come on before snapping me back to reality.

Side-note:  Watching a constant rotation of the same 10 previews makes daydreaming unavoidable.  

My daydream today was about the comedy we just finished. Ironically, it takes place in a video store.

I've actually caught myself daydreaming about our stories a lot, lately. Thus, my problem. Lots of stories equals lots of characters, and I can't get these people out of my head. I think about everything, their jobs, what music they like, right down to the way they walk. Usually the daydreaming is about what they would be doing at that particular time of day.

I'm pretty sure this is why I'm a bit more scatter-brained these days. My thoughts are constantly consumed with how and eight year old tomboy would terrorize her siblings, or how a young naval officer can earn the respect of his men. I might be plotting the demise of a rival sorority or trying not to think how a psychotic, narcissistic killer could destroy on his family.

I hope I don't end up like John Cusak in Identity.

Oh, to be able to lock myself away and write these people out of my head. For now, I'm a slave to the Buster. So, if you catch me daydreaming be careful, I'm not sure who you'll be waking up.

How do you keep your characters from running wild in your head?