My goal for the last three weekends has been to find a good movie to recommend to you, our loyal, possibly non-existent readers. So far, I have failed you.
I tried watching movies about to be released. (A’s connection at the Buster means we get to watch movies the weekend before they hit the shelves. This is the number one reason why A can never quit her job.) I picked Skyline. Why? Because Battle LA was awesome, and Skyline seemed to be it’s equal.
It is not.
Watching Skyline was basically like watching people decide whether or not to leave their apartment. It took 45 minutes. Seriously. Why? Go or don’t. Stop talking about it!
Skyline also made me temporarily dislike David Zayas from Dexter. I cannot forgive this.
Then I tried going to the movie theater. I picked Red Riding Hood because the trailer looked interesting, and those dang American Idol kids said it was good.
They lied.
The main problem here was that the movie was half of what I expected and half what no one in their right mind would wish for. (Prepare for spoilers….)
Every time I saw the preview for RRH, I was like, she is so the wolf! She has to be. No one will expect it. This will be great on an epic scale!
Turns out, she’s not the wolf. Exactly. What a waste. As A tweeted after the viewing, it made us feel cheap and cheated.
In a last ditch effort, I watched Dance of the Dead, an indy, cheesy, zombie flick because of
this interview I read at the Bitter Script Reader. It sort of had some potential, but I ended up cutting it off about half way through. I needed to eat dinner. They needed to kill zombies. It wasn’t working out for us.
And so, my question is this: Is it me? Am I so picky that no movie will ever satisfy me again?
I really, really hope not.
On the docket for this weekend: Lincoln Lawyer or Source code, Slither, The Chronicles of Narnia III, and possibly Return to Me (A hasn’t seen it.)
Feel free to give me some more suggestions.